Have you filed an insurance claim? Do you need help getting your insurance claim started? How familiar are you with the insurance claim process? Are you wondering “What do I do next?” or “I need help with my insurance claim!” Then you are in the right place! Dealing with an insurance adjuster is commonly associated with a negative experience. Insurance claims adjusters have received a biased reputation for denying insurance claims. This is a common misconception. The many law firm commercials floating around the media are of no help to this misconception. Contrary to popular belief, many insurance claims adjusters are trained to find coverage under most circumstances. Yes, insurance claims adjusters may deny an insurance claim on occasion. If your insurance claim has been denied, then see your insurance policy or homeowners policy for more information.
An insurance adjuster may also be referred to as a: claim handler, claim steward or claim representative.
***NOTE*** Policies and practices may vary between insurance companies and governing states. Insurance Adjuster Help takes no responsibility for any coverage or insurance claim settlement outcome. The purpose of this web page is to offer you information that will help assist you and your insurance adjuster during the inspection process. Always contact your insurance company and/or insurance claims adjuster before taking any action involving your insurance claim.
To begin with the insurance claims process you will need to notify your insurance company of the damages that have occurred to your property. Most insurance companies utilize the assistance of an insurance agent. Insurance agents are very convenient and will be very helpful to you throughout your claims process. You can call or visit your insurance agent to initiate the claims process. With technology advancing rapidly and with the popular use of smart phones and tablets (aka iphones and ipads) many insurance companies have apps that you can download for free. Within these apps, you can report damages to your property and initiate the claims process. If you do not have an insurance agent or access to a smart phone/tablet; access your insurance company’s website for more information. Your insurance company’s website should offer information in contacting the appropriate individual to help get your claim started. Most insurance websites will allow you to initiate the claim process directly online, without needing to call anyone.
In most homeowner’s policies it is the duty of the insured to report a loss within a specific timeframe. These timeframes can vary between insurance companies and governing states; so to avoid being penalized for late reporting make sure to report your damages as soon as possible.
Q - But there are other homeowners who have damages far worse than mine. Should I wait until their claims are finished before filing my claim?Insurance companies will handle the severest claims first. So do not worry about taking assistance away from those who need it the most.
A - No! Report your damages as soon as possible. That way your insurance company will have record of the damages you’ve reported (and no late reporting penalties will apply).
Q - I have damages to my property that will get worse over time! Can I make temporary repairs to mitigate (prevent) further damages from occurring?***IMPORTANT!***
A - Yes! Most homeowner policies allow for damage mitigation. You are protecting your property. In most instances you can also be reimbursed by your insurance company (should you incur any reasonable expenses when mitigating). Be sure to contact your insurance adjuster or insurance company before making any temporary repairs!
Before you do anything to your property (i.e. clean up debris, perform temporary repairs, throw away damaged personal property…etc.) be sure to consult with your insurance adjuster or insurance company first! Each insurance adjuster has a process or procedure that he/she must follow. If you need to mitigate or perform temporary repairs, make sure your adjuster knows about the situation first!
Take lots of photos!
(There is no such thing as “too many photos”)
It is important for your claims adjuster’s investigation that proper photo documentation is observed and received. Ultimately, your adjuster must be able to show the insurance company the damages that are being paid for. Your adjuster will also take many photos with their camera during the investigation. Please do not be alarmed or offended if the adjuster asks to enter bedrooms, closets, kitchens, attics…etc. in order to properly document storm related damages. Remember, if there are no photos to show the insurance company, then it becomes very difficult for your adjuster to justify paying for damaged property.
Q - I have electronics, patio furniture and other personal property items that have been damaged from the storm. Can I throw away these items? What information (if any) do I need to gather for my insurance adjuster before the adjuster visits my property?
A - See the list below:
- Take lots of photos and contact your insurance adjuster or insurance company before discarding any personal property.
- It will greatly aid the investigation if you can create a list of damaged personal property items.Your insurance adjuster may ask for you to obtain a detailed technician report for certain items.
- Within this list, please state any applicable model/serial numbers and appropriately price/specify the amount the damaged personal property item cost.
- Your adjuster will most likely ask for receipts or invoices for these items.
- If you do not have a receipt or invoice, contact your insurance adjuster.
- Your insurance adjuster may ask you to search for similar item pricing online or in a magazine.
- Your insurance adjuster will also search for similar item prices.
Q - I have a contractor estimate that is greater in price than the estimate my insurance adjuster provided me. What do I do now?
A - Notify your insurance company that a discrepancy has occurred between the two estimates. Do not be alarmed, this is a very common occurrence. Please allow your insurance company the chance to review and reconcile the insurance estimate for you (if warranted).
Q - My insurance claim has been denied. Can I sue my insurance company?
A - Every insurance policy holder has the right to a second opinion. Before jumping to conclusions, give your insurance company a chance to reconcile any differences or concerns that you may have. If you have a contractor involved, it is always a good idea to get other estimates from different contracting companies before deciding to pursue legal action against your insurance company.
Q - My neighbor got their roof replaced after their insurance inspection, why didn't I get a new roof?
A - There are many factors to be considered when replacing an insured's roof. Shingle age and condition play a huge role with repairability. Please also keep in mind that there may also be many other underlying issues involved with your neighbors claim. If you have a contractor involved, it is always beneficial to receive other contractor estimates.
The inspection process for an insurance claim can appear to be confusing at times. Just remember to take a deep breath and know that you have many helpful individuals that are more than happy to assist you throughout the process. If at any time you have questions or concerns regarding your insurance claim, contact your insurance adjuster first (as adjusters will be able to offer you the most assistance).
If you have difficulty contacting your insurance adjuster after your property has been inspected, do not worry. Insurance adjusters are very busy and will make every attempt to contact you as soon as possible. Keep in mind that most insurance adjusters do not live in the state that they are adjusting claims in. Adjusters spend most of their time traveling. Insurance adjusters are commonly released from storm sites on a fairly regular basis. If your insurance adjuster has departed the storm site, please contact your insurance agent or insurance company; and they will help guide you through any concerns you may have.
***REMINDER*** Policies and practices may vary between insurance companies and governing states. Insurance Adjuster Help takes no responsibility for any coverage or insurance claim settlement outcome. The purpose of this web page is to offer you information that will help assist you and your insurance adjuster during the inspection process. Always contact your insurance company and/or insurance claims adjuster before taking any action involving your insurance claim.
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